“Glasses of water have the same passions as oceans”
The concept of common belonging is explored through a type of surgical analysis, a decomposition, a dissecting of physical elements taken out of context.In a society that has been ‘taken to pieces’, ‘dishevelled’, where everything seems to have lost its place, we are asked to seek an interpretation of the concept of citizenship that goes beyond the boundaries of its urban space, a microcosm as a scale image.A vision of the other made intimate (with a clear reference to Ron Mueck’s ‘voyeurism’) is represented by faces, hands and feet, as if they were topographic maps, tracks telling a story that is born, lives and evolves in a common interaction shared in the same place. This ‘Spallanzanian’ observation is totally neutral and objective. Pieces of a puzzle we can put together as we please, drops of water that are both the same and unique are all part of the same ocean.
“Glasses of water have the same passions as oceans” (Victor Hugo).
They hold their memory.
Raffaello De Vito

FACE [2021]



ANIME [2021]

AB-NORMAL [2021]

Apparenze [2019]
While I have always been a believer in Darwinian theory, my encounter with INANIMUS (Alberto Michelon) and his work truly has surprised me. His primordial bestiary has drawn new horizons in front of my eyes. It is an Eden before humans, before Adam and Eve. An Eden populated by animals that have not sinned, as INANIMUS does not limit himself to reproduce what was or what we know. He goes beyond that and transfigures it.
The observer does not see a naturalistic or iconographic scene of an animal, which is what we often encounter in museums, but rather an analysis, a much larger and more complex idea. Firstly, he obliges us to decode what we are observing and then try to go beyond what appears to be only a provocation. Then, he offers us many things to reflect on, starting with the relationship we now have with the animal world.
I have begun to explore the world of INANIMUS, which appears to be very stimulating.

Alternative [2016]
I was never interested in pornography. I was probably too distracted with other things.
I have always thought, rather superficially, that photographers focused on sexuality either to be provocative or for lack of other ideas. So, I was greatly surprised and immediately fascinated when I discovered the vast quantity of objects dedicated to all types of "perversions" [...]
LATEX is the first chapter of my new project ALTERNATIVE. I could not resist the evocative magic and abundant creativity hidden in and promised by these objects.
Everything that I have photographed really exists, every object can be easily purchased anywhere in the world [...]

Appartenenze [2012]
"Glasses of water have the same passions as oceans"
The concept of common belonging is explored through a type of surgical analysis, a decomposition, a dissecting of physical elements taken out of context. In a society that has been 'taken to pieces', 'dishevelled', where everything seems to have lost its place, we are asked to seek an interpretation of the concept of citizenship that goes beyond the boundaries of its urban space, a microcosm as a scale image.

Apparati [2013]
In my previous work "APPARTENENZE", my intention was to document obviousness. A visual and objective record of people who share a habitat, a place, without any interpretation. I believe that photography should be poetry and poetry should suggest mystery. There are many explanations of mystery and they all have to do with the concept of the hidden, of the secret.
According to Heidegger, mystery is about the essence of truth. This work "APPARATI", where the objective representation of organs (tongue, heart, eyes, etc.) is obvious, does not merely reveal what is hidden in nature, it evokes mystery. The mystery of the ordinary that raises new questions.

Erbe [2013]
I was born in the province of Modena to a family from southern Italy. When I was three years old, we moved to Piacenza, a shift to the west of less than 150 kilometres as the crow flies. Five years later, we moved east 75 kilometres to Reggio Emilia. This was nothing in relation to the geography of the planet. It was an immensity in my child's geography of belonging. The difficulty of locating myself in a precise place of origin has led me to perceive every place as my own, rather than being a 'stateless person'

Atmosfere [2014]
I think it must be very frustrating discovering, or -as in this case- certifying, the approach of a catastrophe and not being understood, believed or given ear to
Pasolini explained that the "death" of a man is not when he isn’t allowed to talk but instead, it takes place when what a man says is no longer understood.
This series could be called "FICTION”. In fact, almost anything we can see is what appears.
I dedicate this work to all researchers, both men and women, who work for the IPCC Institute and for the ONU.
Just a few days ago we were reassured, in the almost general indifference, that (thanks to the atmosphere’s gradual warming) the CO2 won’t smother the planet. It will do this the billions of methane’s cubic meters, now frozen at the bottom of the oceans, instead. [...]

Enigma [2014]
An enigma is something difficult to understand, a mystery (Wikipedia).
In this apparently random representation of elements, plants, people and organs, we are called upon by a vision. A collection of icons, something with no name, invites us to a silent introspection. Does it ask us questions or give us answers? Even if I offer my personal interpretation of what the icons mean to me, for example "Girl Cloud Drop of Meadow", the enigma remains the same.